Saturday, September 5, 2009

Attention seeker

E63 - 5th Sep 2009

What can you do when you met a woman, a mad woman, who barks at you, asking you to stop whatever work you are doing to entertain to her nonsense.

Yesterday, while setting up at Seng Choon. A lady, seemingly of north Indian origin appeared and barked at Xiang who was tying a piece of canvas to a nearby wall fence. She asked him to remove it immediately, in a tone which seemed to suggest that Xiang was a burglar of sorts.

I stepped forward to clear up the matter, only to make it worse. I told her that if she do not want us to tie anything there, we could remove it. Then, she became agitated, saying things like she did not order for it and that she could call the police, and finally identify herself as the owner of the place, like we were supposed to know her. I told her that we did not know she is the owner and what I experienced was a stranger who came along and using that kind of tone to bark at my colleague. She found my arguement 'fair enough' and Seng Choon's representative was called upon to settle it.

Her last words were, 'Sorry guys, you can carry on with it.'

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