Tuesday, June 2, 2009


In the news yesterday, Malaysian government claims that they had eyes on Mas Selemat (the escapee from Singapore's Whitley Road Detention Centre) the moment he enters Malaysian territorial. And they maintain that they kept it that way so that they would get information on the network Selamat is exposed to. Singapore's Home Ministry insisted that it was a 'joint operation' between the 2 countries that led to the re-capture of Selamat.

The details are useless as far as this space is concerned. I just realised something.

Case 1:
If Malaysia had eyes-on all the time and Singapore is part of the 'joint operation', then our Home Ministry had sacrificed the citizens involved in the search for countless days and nights.

Case 2:
If Singapore is ignorance of Malaysia's eyes-on Selamat. Then we could be involved in a hatred epic. It's just like your neighbour knows the burglar is breaking into your house and does nothing about it.

Either way, it doesn't sound very nice, does it?

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