Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Gong Teck Completed

As a small addenda to my previous post on a loving mother observed during the gong teck, I would like to add another act of mother-son love. At the morning of day 2 of the ritual, I approached the table filled with packets of foodstuff that my uncles and aunties have bought for the whole community of relatives as breakfast. I saw a plastic bag from Mac Donald's, but there are only sugar and salt and pepper. Selfish, I thought someone was. How could anyone eat breakfast from Mac alone and left the packaging there for me to be envious of. Later, after finishing some Chwee Kueh, I move to the altar to see that my grandparents' and other late relatives' spaces are in order. I saw, at the very end of the table, a cup from Mac Donald's and it immediately dawned on me the origin of that plastic bag. I'm sure my late cousin would enjoy that cuppa from his loving mother.

p.s. Globalisation: An African selling his tribal stuff (in his traditional costume) on a pushcart in Vivocity, at the same time, eating an American burger.

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