Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Ugly Human - Singaporean

I, once again, am disgusted by human being's. More specifically, Singaporeans. To attach a few tags to Singaporeans - complain, criticise, condemn, whine, loser, whine again, whine somemore

Two nights ago, Chun was working for a night assignment to dismantle a stage which would block the street the next day. The stage was used for a 'Getai', consisting of a few factions namely staging(which was us), performers, electrician, music, lighting. The hosts instructed us to remove the stage at 11pm, after the show ended. When the guys reached there at 1130pm, they were told to wait for 'a while', for the other factions to clear off their stuff before we can tear down the stage. 10 minutes later, Pui had enough of waiting and ask for the hosts' permission to commence the dismantling, which was granted. Chun, seeing that there are a few spotlights left on the stage, moved them off the stage with due care. The person-in-charge of the lighting, who has not been doing anything, became hostile and chided Chun for touching his equipment. Chun became irritated that his kind intention was met with such treatment told him that he needed to dismantle the stage, and could not do it without his damn lights still on it.  Ok, I added in the 'damn'.

The argument progressed into discriminatory remarks from the lighting guy, saying that the Singaporean government were kind enough to let the Chinese in and this is how they behave. He also tried to blurt a few words of English to shame Chun. Pui became pissed with such remarks and went forth to confront. I wish I was there, and the story would have been more spicy.

Come'on Singaporeans, what the f$%^ this? I think Singapore has been reduced to a place where people look out for every chance to bully the weaker, hiding behind triggering cameras and doing all sorts of shameless things.

Singaporeans - 
1. Whined about the government opening the gates for foreigners
2. Yet acted like they themselves let in the Chinese and demand certain behaviors from them

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