Friday, April 17, 2009

Ang Zhen Wei, Bachelor of Science (Hons) Business

Just when I thought I had clean forgotten about my friends at university, today's graduation ceremony brought the feeling back altogether.

I had walked the bridge, the pavement and up the stairs numerous times for the 2 years of my study, but today is the only day I did so in shirt and pants. At 13 30 hrs, I registered myself. After which, I walked towards 4.07, too many people, I walked on to 4.08, a lady from Serangoon Broadway invited me into the room and dressed me up into my academic regalia. I should really give them credits for such excellent services.

The academic procession walked in at 15 00 hrs and 2 addresses by 2 big shots followed. Somehow, the Singaporean representative gave me the impression that he was reading word for word from a script, without which he would go mute. The representative from London did an excellent job with his piece.

The presentation was a long and arduous wait, especially after I collected mine.

After all degrees had been presented, the academic procession marched out, while we followed close behind. This has to be the best part of the afternoon for me.

Everything that followed can only be summed up in one word - SNAP.

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