Saturday, April 25, 2009

Change of Blood

Today, upon invitation of Jobroni, Seamonkey and I decided to have a change of blood at Bloodbank@HSA.

The squeezing sponge today was a heart shape one. It was especially soft to the hand, and it wasn't a new one from the plastic packaging. Ah, I thought, I have another one added to my collection. At the end of my squeezing session, which should not have been more than 4 minutes, the macik tried to remove the sponge from my left hand. I thought she was being kind to help me remove it from my hand, to be transferred onto my couch. And I was not ready to accept her kind gesture as my right hand had already wanted to grab the sponge from the left. Macik felt something was not right and asked me, "You want this(the spnge)?" And I gave her a reply that must have stunned her, Jobroni and the lady serving Jobroni, "I WANT LAH!"

Jobroni tried to hold back laughing out loud, and the lady serving her tried to maintain the order by telling me that they are currently low on supply. Of course, I did not push them too hard overboard, but I made macik promise that she will give me 2 the next time i come.

The events of today aside, something else has been going through my head. I wonder whether human blood could be used for animals, or specifically mammals? If that's possible, I would gladly turn on my tap.

By the way, Seamonkey is suspected to have chicken'ed out.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Ang Zhen Wei, Bachelor of Science (Hons) Business

Just when I thought I had clean forgotten about my friends at university, today's graduation ceremony brought the feeling back altogether.

I had walked the bridge, the pavement and up the stairs numerous times for the 2 years of my study, but today is the only day I did so in shirt and pants. At 13 30 hrs, I registered myself. After which, I walked towards 4.07, too many people, I walked on to 4.08, a lady from Serangoon Broadway invited me into the room and dressed me up into my academic regalia. I should really give them credits for such excellent services.

The academic procession walked in at 15 00 hrs and 2 addresses by 2 big shots followed. Somehow, the Singaporean representative gave me the impression that he was reading word for word from a script, without which he would go mute. The representative from London did an excellent job with his piece.

The presentation was a long and arduous wait, especially after I collected mine.

After all degrees had been presented, the academic procession marched out, while we followed close behind. This has to be the best part of the afternoon for me.

Everything that followed can only be summed up in one word - SNAP.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

謝安琪 - 囍帖街

Ugly Human - Singaporean

I, once again, am disgusted by human being's. More specifically, Singaporeans. To attach a few tags to Singaporeans - complain, criticise, condemn, whine, loser, whine again, whine somemore

Two nights ago, Chun was working for a night assignment to dismantle a stage which would block the street the next day. The stage was used for a 'Getai', consisting of a few factions namely staging(which was us), performers, electrician, music, lighting. The hosts instructed us to remove the stage at 11pm, after the show ended. When the guys reached there at 1130pm, they were told to wait for 'a while', for the other factions to clear off their stuff before we can tear down the stage. 10 minutes later, Pui had enough of waiting and ask for the hosts' permission to commence the dismantling, which was granted. Chun, seeing that there are a few spotlights left on the stage, moved them off the stage with due care. The person-in-charge of the lighting, who has not been doing anything, became hostile and chided Chun for touching his equipment. Chun became irritated that his kind intention was met with such treatment told him that he needed to dismantle the stage, and could not do it without his damn lights still on it.  Ok, I added in the 'damn'.

The argument progressed into discriminatory remarks from the lighting guy, saying that the Singaporean government were kind enough to let the Chinese in and this is how they behave. He also tried to blurt a few words of English to shame Chun. Pui became pissed with such remarks and went forth to confront. I wish I was there, and the story would have been more spicy.

Come'on Singaporeans, what the f$%^ this? I think Singapore has been reduced to a place where people look out for every chance to bully the weaker, hiding behind triggering cameras and doing all sorts of shameless things.

Singaporeans - 
1. Whined about the government opening the gates for foreigners
2. Yet acted like they themselves let in the Chinese and demand certain behaviors from them

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Today in pictures

Foreman hospitalised

Huwa was hospitalised and discharged, and he went home to serve his medical leave. That's about all. Speculations among the drivers were that he provoked something 'dirty'. He could not remember what happened after lunch. He did not remember that:

- the roof was broken
- he climbed up the ladder
- he climbed up the small ladder onto the big ladder, when he could just use the latter
- he fell
- the ladders fell
- the ladders fell on him

In fact, he could not even remember that he fell.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Lousy foreman

I felt extremely pissed. Particularly so as it's a continuation from yesterday's episode. Yesterday, Huwa was supposed to collect his confiscated cellphone from the airbase at 5pm. However, his oblivion to the seriousness of the matter saw him not taking the document from the office before leaving for Lorong Chuan.

At 430pm yesterday, he called the office to speak to Martian about the document. He demanded that I send it to him because Pui was sick. Martian called me to convey me this and immediately rejected the proposal because I am at City Plaza with some work. Martian, being an idiot with Singapore's geography, said that City Plaza was nearby, which I promptly educated her with the fact. The she engage the pissed tone to press me for a solution to the whole matter, to which I responded with an equally pissed tone. Huwa said that he could not make it on time by going back to get the document and then setting off to the airbase. I responded to this arguement by saying that if he could not make it on time by going back from Lorong Chuan, then to the airbase, it would be more silly to think that I could make it on time by returning from City Plaza, and sending the document to Lorong Chuan and then making our way to the airbase.

The appointment was subsequently postponed. And I got backstabbed being labelled a "asking Huwa to go to the airbase alone, which really meant, "I leave him to die". Keong got some blame, so did Pui, the sicked.

Today, Huwa sheepishly asked that I followed him to the airbase, for he is weak in English and directions. Well, I could help him with the English part, but for the directions, I would have to seek help from Keong, which I helped Huwa asked the previous day.

After successfully getting back his phone, his tone changed. He spoke with the gusto that wasn't there before.

Back at Upper Boon Keng, Chun was attempting a dangerous roof walk to tie up corners of a canvas. We all knew that the roof was slippery with moss, and therefore, asked Chun to be extra careful, or to go the longer way for the sake of safety. Huwa did nothing more than blabbering some noise that no one understood. Chun accidentally fell on his posterior, sending a few tiles of the roof coming down. The first response that most of us had was whether Chun was alright, but, Huwa shouted something like, "See? Asked you not to do it that way! Look at the trouble you caused!"

I was extremely pissed.
The least he could do it to shut up and act blur.
I actually helped him earlier.

Monday, April 6, 2009

One of my eternal enemy

My close friends would know, I have 3 eternal enemies I have yet to forgive or forget - mosquitoes, houseflies and red ants. Ticks are coming up a close forth. That day, I executed a detachment of houseflies, and it brought back the memories of Tuas.

p.s.: The rightmost one is (I meant 'was') the detachment commander.

Rose went out to play

Rose was brought on a road trip last weekend. I felt sorry for not bringing Daisy along. But I knew I would do it next time round. Rose was surprisingly obedience in the vehicle, although, I could do with less of her farts.

Sunday, April 5, 2009