Today, upon invitation of Jobroni, Seamonkey and I decided to have a change of blood at Bloodbank@HSA.
The squeezing sponge today was a heart shape one. It was especially soft to the hand, and it wasn't a new one from the plastic packaging. Ah, I thought, I have another one added to my collection. At the end of my squeezing session, which should not have been more than 4 minutes, the macik tried to remove the sponge from my left hand. I thought she was being kind to help me remove it from my hand, to be transferred onto my couch. And I was not ready to accept her kind gesture as my right hand had already wanted to grab the sponge from the left. Macik felt something was not right and asked me, "You want this(the spnge)?" And I gave her a reply that must have stunned her, Jobroni and the lady serving Jobroni, "I WANT LAH!"
Jobroni tried to hold back laughing out loud, and the lady serving her tried to maintain the order by telling me that they are currently low on supply. Of course, I did not push them too hard overboard, but I made macik promise that she will give me 2 the next time i come.
The events of today aside, something else has been going through my head. I wonder whether human blood could be used for animals, or specifically mammals? If that's possible, I would gladly turn on my tap.
By the way, Seamonkey is suspected to have chicken'ed out.