Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What's remained of Apple?

In case anyone out there is planning to cremate your beloved dead pets with the hope of keeping the ashes, please do not be a moron like me and send them to SPCA. You will end up with NOTHING. Neither should you visit somewhere along the lines of James Tan, unless you want your pets to be grilled over slow fire until well done.

Apple was cremated at SPCA, together with others. No ash for me.I was intending to put some of her remains in a pouch and bring her along when I go on holidays, now I could not. I force myself to think that she is going have many friends she can skip around playing with on the way to the other world. I am extremely grateful to myself that I'd ask Hazel to help me keep Apple's collar.

What I am not going to see again:
- Apple licking me while I am not alert
- Apple skipping on 2 legs when I brought food
- Apple tapping me with her front leg
- Apple torque launching when I walk her
- Apple eating the most and being the thinnest
- Apple chasing Or-or the bird
- Apple attacking houseflies, and getting them
- Apple barking at stranger (human and dogs) and blackies
- Apple and Nini-the-cat sharing their food and water
- Apple, Apple, Apple

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