Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Rest in peace, My Apple

(Passed away: 16th March 2009 13:29pm)
開口一汪 喚回所有於你的美好回憶
講不出聲 講不出聲
任由自己 於淚共枕
不忍心送別你 但卻無奈送走你
誰能怪我 曾經真心 愛過你

In case anyone thinks that this is a pun involving my macbook and my dog, I am really talking about the latter.

My heart drips blood as I type. Apple passed away yesterday morning. Now, I could no longer type "Rose, Apple & Daisy, and Nini the cat". Apple contracted a rare virus that invaded her nervous system(not yet the neuro for she still looks at me with emotions), causing paralysis and locked jaw. I hate myself for being angry at her 2 days ago when she refused to eat the meat that I brought to her front, I hate myself for scolding her "HOW TO GET WELL IF YOU DO NOT EAT?!". All the more I hate myself, when I recalled Apple waving her tail at me 2 days ago and yesterday morning, despite her paralysis.

I vividly remember bathing her feverish body 2 days ago because she got stuck under a forklift and got herself dirty. I shall remember the final meal of glucose porridge, that I cooked for her before sending her on the Pet Taxi, to her death at the hospital.

My hands are trembling as I typed till here.

Apple, please forgive me, I still and will forever love you.

p.s. Fiddle died yesterday evening. May your spirit find peace too.

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