Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Apple really made me ROFL. Last week, I saw a stain on her head and kindly offered to wash. Fair enough, she was co-operative throughout. I then went out to make some delivery and when I came back. I thought a new dog had come because I do not recognise that pooch. Apple had camo'ed on.

On another incident, Apple saw a bone on the floor, but could not reach it(luckily). But it happened that Or-or the bird saw it too. Or-or flew down from the ceiling frame and chow down on the leftover bone. Apple barked at Or-or, to the oblivion of the latter.

Apple's best friend has to be Nini the cat. And Nini has no fear being close to Apple and drinking from her dish. It's probably due to the similar colour of their coat, or they are just made for each other. Who says there are natural enemy? (exception: me and the mosquitos/flies/red ants)

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