Monday, March 26, 2012

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Friday, March 16, 2012

Bad Bintulu Day

It's really bad, really really bad.

Yesterday, the Sarawak agent informed that he will only be able to meet me on Saturday, tomorrow. We are supposed to meet today. I hope he do not play me out.

The bed I slept on is quite bad too. Protruding spring, but I should be able to bear with it.

This morning, I wasted RM50 in a few minutes because I did not subscribe to the one week broadband plan. I can feel the money flow out like water, really.

Then, I called to reserve a van. I was shocked that there were none left. Holy cow! I sank into depression. While on the decline, I think about whether I could rent 3 cars to ferry everyone. Or could I get a local cabbie with a van? How much will those cost me? Will I go broke here?

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Leaving yet again (Bintulu)

Exit notification... check
Luggage weight... check
Flight timing... check
Cash... check
Laptop... and chargers... check

I am leaving for Sarawak in a few hours time. I am really going to miss the usual working hours here. Over there, I am probably going to get the panda-eyed syndrome due to the early hours to wake up and report for work. I hope I can somehow leave my workers to lead their own men to work, so that I can take a short break every now and then, with the excuse of topping up supplies or something.

Bintulu might not even sound familiar to the ordinary man on any Malaysian street. The more current-affairs-savvy guy might know that it is a place where Malaysian oil and gas are based. They probably already knew all that Bintulu has to offer.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Some people are just born to irritate. Foo, born to irritate everyone in the world. A certain foreigner worker who could not speak properly, born to irritate all customers he speaks to. I find a relation between this 2 character. Both of them cannot communicate properly and they irritate listeners in the process. However, one of them can work, another cannot.