Sunday, November 21, 2010


If I have to say something bad about National Service, it really has to be that it disrupts all my education plans, that is, non-academic wise. I had plans to sign up for a certification course with either SCAL or BCA, but I had 2 concerns. One, my holiday plans from 4th Dec to 7th Dec. Two, National Service. I had to give up the SCAL option because of concern number one, and I had to give up the entire plan to go for the course because of concern number 2. Since, this course runs for 6 months from January, and my call up starts on the 4th May 2011, I could not attend the course and I am effectively 6 months slower in life. Bad luck.

On my way to toilet today. I saw Nini at the far end laundry area. It puzzled as Nini do not usually venture that far out. She was not looking too at ease. I whistled her out and carried her back, gave her some chow and top up her water and carried on with my latrine plan. When I am back, her eyes were shining and she was looking much happier. I do not know what had happen before that, but I hope she is ok.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Enmity lost

I think I might have let down any enmity between Martian and me. Perhaps I am comparing the Fool with the Martian. Come to think of it. We just need someone to listen to the phone, properly, and take down enquiries/orders, properly and type simple stuff, properly. And I could do with less stupid questions and politics, and irritating behaviour.

Perhaps, that's too much.

Monday, November 1, 2010


I am alone at home, but I am enjoying this piece of peace. Sitting in front of my macbook, with the fan blowing away my stress and sore from the day. Siuzhen auntie just called to ask about the toilet, which I thought I had ordered. I checked with Cynthia, who affirmed me that the delivery has been made. I called auntie and told her that, settled. And why was the call made in the first place?

Never mind.

My new colleague proved more difficult that imagined. Complained about how Rose, Daisy and Wang and Nini-the-cat scare the hell out of her. Complained about how the heat in the office is melting her. Teach her, complain. Don't teach her, complain. Toilet too far, complain. Complain about this, complain about that. Not the best way to start the first work day.

Frankly, I fear more the human heart than the fangs of the deadliest serpents.