Sunday, June 27, 2010

Mid ICT Break

Perhaps today is a good day for me to log a post. I do not know why I have the down feeling since yesterday - whether it is the 7th day is Mini's departure or because I am booking in tonight.

On Friday, I return for a break from my annual ICT, and return to office on Saturday to learn that the roof had leaked water from the Monday storm. My Macbook took a shower, but was still working when I tried to use it. I spend most of the time catching up with Daisy and Rose and Nini-the-cat, and squatting at the spot where Daisy and Mini played. I could still smell the faint smell of Mini's poo as she has the habit of passing motion at the same spot and caching it. I really wish she were around at that time. Daisy has become a slightly different girl since Mini's departure, and I hope she has adapted to life without Mini, her odd baby. Rose is the same Rose. Always happy, always naughty, yet always loving.

I am booking in tonight. Tomorrow will start early.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Goodbye my Mini

Today will go down in my memory as the day where 1 month ago (20th May 2010), Mini moved from the fence, tick-stricken, rain-drenched, to my work place. Today, Mini move from my physical world, to doggy heaven, where she would find Smiling Apple looking up from a thick juicy bone. She would enjoy the same love she got from Daisy and Rose, and the least, myself.

If I say that I am not sad, I would be bluffing everyone, but not myself. In fact, my heart bleed once more from the same wound that saw Apple lose to Tetanus. But, what can I do? I do not want appear sad for the sake of the situation, yet I could not find a reason to feel otherwise. My only favour to Mini was to add 1 month to her life and make her feel love for the month.

Sorry Mini, I could not be there when you depart.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Line Fault

Last few days were hectic. For the internet went intermittent, till yesterday, the fax machine follow suit. Yesterday night, an idea struck me that it could be solved by changing the line. And this morning, boss did just that and two problems were solved.

At least now, I only had my WSH Culture assignment to fret over before going for reservice.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Saved.. hopefully

Here is something I am not particularly proud of.

On my way home today, I saw a group of Malay girls bringing, from the road to the roadside, an injured cat (let me call it Brindle for namesake). I was concerned, but not enough to go near to them and Brindle. My eyes locked in that direction as I carried on my way to the lift, with the painful cries ringing though my ears.

As I have my dinner, my heart grew heavier, for I became so worried about Brindle. My concern for Brindle became strong enough a driving force as I forgo my insignificant shower and went down to take a look after registering SPCA's telephone number on my phone. Brindle laid there beside an open pack of Whiskas food pouch, the food untouched. I called the SPCA who has already received the same report, albeit having gotten the wrong block number from the previous caller. I filled in more details for the SPCA officer and crossed my fingers.

At 7:35pm, I instinctively took a look downstairs from my flat, and there was the SPCA truck flashing the amber hazard lights. I heard the familiar meowing cries, evidence that Brindle is still alive. My mind finally returned to normal.