Monday, December 7, 2009

Yesterday without picture

It was almost like a one-day holiday yesterday. I came to office, and leave office for Malaysia. I could not have spent more than 1 hour in the office.

At the farm, sector Farmhouse, Sai-Ma has 4 puppies, naughty and bite-ty. One fluffy cow, one Small Lao-da, One black brown, and one fluffy black brown. Hei-ma still has her 2 Ah Blacks (one with white chest hair) and Ah Gold. CheeseProblem has 8 puppies! One of which is a Cow and one is a Chihwahwa.

Over at sector MonitorLizard, the batch of 'Socks' are developing well. Ah Fluff is still as happy with his sister, although he tried some incest moves. Ah Pi is playing fine with them happily. Their latest game is 'going out and coming back from the fence'. There is a new adult dog, Smoker. He tried to smoke into the gang and did that successfully, even ZZ could not tell. Ah Gold and Ah Black went over to sector MonitorLizard to play and Ah Gold got a piercing at his mouth. A fish hook got stuck and he was crying. When we arrived, we quickly disperse the crowd of onlooking dogs and check on his wound. ZZ rushed back to sector Farmhouse with Ah Black and return with a plier. I performed the operation and removed the hook and ZZ send him back to Farmhouse.

At sector Packing area, Orbeen's batch suffered some death. I herded three of the remainders to Farmhouse and feed them. One of them injured the limbs and I had to carry her.

Dinner yesterday was at the farm, and I actually enjoyed it. Supper was at Old Town. Malaysian Immigration jammed. Singapore Immigration moderate. I reached home at 10 30pm. No photos, forgotten to bring along camera.

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