Monday, August 10, 2009

NDP 2009

I waited for Tiko, who said he wanted to meet me at Jurong because he was suppose to be playing a game of football in the vicinity. The call never come and I had to move out myself at 1pm. I needed to buy some gifts for Basket who will be returning to India. The Concourse was my destination, but when I reached there, I could not find any shops, any more. Only the office tower remain. Disappointed, I made my way to Marina Square to met up with Kam and Wilson.

Chun entered the floating platform first. I thought he will be waiting for me to enter together. The whole night, I did not see him, even till the parade ended.

The parade was quite enjoyable, even in the merciless heat. I really do not mind if it rains. Fireworks were disappointingly acute, though I manage to capture some photos if them. The marching troops were nothing impressive in terms of cadence. My MP was the contingent leader for the PAP. He must be thinking why he was there while the rest of his counterparts were enjoying the parade in the stand.

One thing about the setting. I wonder what would happen if there is a fire breakout at the floating platform. The exits seems inadequate and I reckon not all would be brave enough to plunge into the Singapore river and those brave enough will be hindered by the former. Sad, we might all turn into roasted pigs.

In closing, let me salute the Redlions. Airborne all the way. Warrant Yoko, this one goes out to you too.


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