Friday, August 7, 2009

Double standards

My country is a city of double standards - one standard for the elites and one for the peasants. Maybe this is a much debated, or rather, discussed topic, and I am not here to offer any arguments, but rather examples.

A few weeks ago, I booked the linkhall at my estate with the Town Council for a ritual to commemorate my late relatives. When the supplier erected the tents, the Town Council send its foreign talented minions to stop us, saying that it was not allowed. Which puzzles me till today because the residents committee built a tent bigger than mine at the exactly same spot years ago. And I also mentioned to the Town Council when I made the booking, I was even prepared to pay for it.

You can never win the ".gov". Had I insisted on it, the sore losers will probably call in the minions of the police force. I rather spend time typing this sentence than capitalise the phrase "police force". Next, I was directed to the HDB so that I could book the field opposite my block, which has no electricity and most certainly, no water, and I was not to 'kill' the grass or use any incense burning pit. On top of that, I need to write to the MP to, get this, "seek his support". Which I again do not understand why I do not need to do it when applying for the linkhall at the Town Council? Probably because only organisation with big time relations with the MPs or the PBMs and BBMs uses the field. However, to be fair, the MP did grant me 'support' to go ahead with the ritual, which is under a could-help-it circumstance. The ".gov" did wronged me afterall at Town Council.

For the record, on the dismantling day of my booking, which essentially meant that that piece of land is still my charge till 23 59 hrs. The funeral being held below my block had their burning pit smacked in the centre of my plot of land. I was not about to complain because the grieving family had their fair share of work already. But I needed to protect myself because I did not want to be accused of murdering their grasses. So, I called up the HDB and told them I had evacuated the land and that there was a pit placed there, and they should not blame me of grass-slaughter. I even took a picture of that place.

Today, in fact, for the past few days, several pits were again placed there. The temple is celebrating some festivals.

Obviously, they had their MP support documents and all.

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