Friday, July 3, 2009

Team, I'm back!

I woke up at 550am that day, washed up and took father's car to Pasir Ris Camp(PRC) for my first ICT, after having missed last year's.

This round was a low key one, and the highlight for me had to be the IPPT which I was supposed, yet uncertain on passing. Well, I did eventually. Why did I use the word 'eventually'? On the 1st July, we were booked in the IPPT session at Bedok FCC, and we were ferried there on private buses. Low and behold, the PTI's went on leave, and there was no one who could conduct it for us. And we were set free for that afternoon. This morning, the PTI back at PRC conducted the session for us. And it costed me a whole body of aching.

It was a good feeling to once again see the folks again. Yimian was still a fan of all things military, Scott still love Kameng's massage, Tiko is still the joker, and many others are still steadily groing fatter, especially, to my horror, my fellow RTO Frankie. Fallen out of our company are LT Gary, Luke my good buddy, Stanley my Taiwan buddy and some others. Fate is more or less sealed for LT Gary and Luke, but I really hope Stanley will be back next time round.

What I have taken away from this ICT:
- 'Esprit de corp' of Team 8
- Lessons
- More lessons
- Lousy food at the cookhouse(contrary to previous trips to PRC)
- Chat sessions every night
- NSF on the ball, NSMen on the floor
- New mate in the team, Jason
- $200 from IPPT
- Body ache
- Sleep depriviation

Till the next time comrades.

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