Monday, April 13, 2015

Because Things are Fixed, I See Free Space.

Some people like their life to be ever changing because they enjoy the thrill that uncertainty brings. I do not.

I prefer my life to follow a schedule. This is because I value freedom. Rather conflicting sentences?

I do not like my planned dental visit disrupted by a queue cutting instruction, I do not like my scheduled running activity get cancelled by a queue cutting instruction, I do not like the dinner my mother prepared painstakingly go to waste, just because of a last minute queue cutting instruction.

It is because I arranged things and ensure that I do not move them, that I can see the free space.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Everything about the Familee

I hate the actors at the top of my country pyramid. I know the dead person has done much for the country; after a formal national show, enough is enough. We do not need to name everything after him right?

Oh, I do remember someone in India naming his indian son after this 'great' man.