Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Keep quiet

Sometimes, the best way to avoid argument is to keep quiet because those who do not have the entire picture will just not get what you are trying to say. A good intention will become ill. A genuine frustration will become over reaction. Ok, shut up and keep going.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Mini WOD

Today, I have a small sense of achievement. I am finally getting the hang of kipping pull ups. I felt athletic, I felt free, I felt that I'm capable of more. Yes.

7 pull ups
50 Battle ropes (slam)
30 each hand, big waves
30 hip twists
6 pull ups
10 dead lifts 30kg
10 push presses 22.5kg
5 pull ups
20 kettle bell swings
5 pull ups
10 thrusters 25kg
5 pull ups
10 shoulders Shrugs with 40kg
3 rds x 10 calf presses
20 sit ups


Sunday, September 13, 2015


When the one person whom you think trusts you no matter what shows sign of distrust, you feel betrayed.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

When Police Wore Shorts Then

Nowadays, I see more often policemen and women going to the hawker to get their meals fix, than them patrolling.

Today, another morning, another encounter. Police car at Clementi Ave 2 hawker centre, one of the police remained in the vehicle, engine running, aircon on.

What a life.

Friday, June 19, 2015

War of Words

Recipient of hurtful words will find it hard to forget the penetrating strike that presses into the mind. It might not be a calculated effort by the issuer, but what one spouted out spontaneously if often more true of their opinion than a carefully crafted speech.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Because Things are Fixed, I See Free Space.

Some people like their life to be ever changing because they enjoy the thrill that uncertainty brings. I do not.

I prefer my life to follow a schedule. This is because I value freedom. Rather conflicting sentences?

I do not like my planned dental visit disrupted by a queue cutting instruction, I do not like my scheduled running activity get cancelled by a queue cutting instruction, I do not like the dinner my mother prepared painstakingly go to waste, just because of a last minute queue cutting instruction.

It is because I arranged things and ensure that I do not move them, that I can see the free space.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Everything about the Familee

I hate the actors at the top of my country pyramid. I know the dead person has done much for the country; after a formal national show, enough is enough. We do not need to name everything after him right?

Oh, I do remember someone in India naming his indian son after this 'great' man.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

boss management is an art, I'm not the artist

When I listen to people narrating their problem with work, I listen and I genuinely run the entire problem through my mind and think of the surrounding factors associated with the problem.

But ... ...

Friday, March 6, 2015

disobedient childhood thinking

it suddenly dawned on me an anecdote on am incident that illustrated how obedient I was during my childhood days.

There was a certain company that came to my primary school one day to market three products. All three are some sort of siren to signal distress when one is in danger. Robbery and so on. 

My young brain was so bent on getting one of those that now thinking back, I can only hate myself for being so irrational back then. I also despise that company who came to my school to try to sell those products to what could have been poor students. One of them cost $18, which by standards then, is considered very expensive. Today, I can get ge. A bicycle siren for a fraction of that price.