Thursday, June 13, 2013

I am not responsible for how you think

I am utterly upset with life again. I never wanted to feel sorry with myself, and I don't really feel sorry for others much. Martian struck again. Reason does not work on such a person - high (overly) self-esteem, egoistic, succumb to self-fulfilling prophecy, arrogant, stubborn-yet-low-IQ, lazy, name calling, high-and-mighty (when not worthy of), only likes to listen to nice things, cannot take criticism, impression manage. She asked me for help, I helped and added that she will need to pick up some pointers from my work (in that particular dealing) so that it will facilitate her future work. It was meant to be an encouragement to learn new things, but alas, it had to be taken to mean that I was scoffing at her low ability. To put things on record, if I meant to do what she perceived I was doing, it wouldhave been a hundred times more painful on the ear and the ego.