Monday, November 21, 2011

Seminar, the lousy type

Before I forget, I need to have this recorded as the events created quite an impression in me. I went for a seminar a few days back. Three speakers - MOM, Safety Auditor Association and a certain Private Company.

MOM was focusing on trying proclaim how hardworking they have been; and how, despite their hard work, the laymen failed to live through dangers and hazards.

Safety Auditor was complaining about how the auditees did not made the auditor's lives easy by not producing the right document at the right time at a snap of their fingers. By the way, he did not test out the slides and had version problem as a result. He was also late when returning from tea break, as a result, the whole seminar floor was waiting for his grand arrival.

Private company's representative talk more humanely, but boastfully. He went about advertising his company and their products and how well they scored in the audit and also how every company should strive to achieve a certain level of safety.

I have no problem marking the whole session as 'FAIR', first speaker 'FAIR', second 'FAIR', third 'GOOD'. I have been quite generous with my marking if you ask me.

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