Saturday, September 24, 2011

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Rubbish theory

I derived a strange theory on a certain monotonous trip on a coach. When the coach climbs to high altitude, the shampoo bottles bloated due to the low atmospheric pressure acting on the contents of the bottle. When I open the bottle in the hotel's bathroom, the shampoo puked out in a sudden burst.

Applying the same theory to the human body, we should experience severe farting and at least one session of good burst while passing motion.

On the way down, the pressure cells acting on the bottle is higher, hence, the soap bottle will be dented. The same pressure is applied on the human body and one travelling downhill will experience tightness physically, explaining for the queasiness.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


I am forced to take things in my stride today, even if it means having to be held by the nose by a driver and suffering the consequences of a selfish, lousy, wrong decision.

I sacrificed a relative gathering, which I was never told of, and an afternoon of time to do my assignment, just to act like a responsible, helpful facade.

I chose to take a step back and just accept whatever instructions that come by. Whatever not said, I take it there's none.

More and more things I dislike are happening nowadays. But whatever I do not like, I say nothing about.

The truth always hurt.

Yet I rather keep quiet than to tell a lie.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Teachers Day

Tomorrow is Teacher's day. I can only think of a handful of personnel that truely deserve my gratitude.

- Ms Cheong Lin See (Keming Pri Sch)
- Mr Beh Yong Hua (Dunearn Sec Sch)
- Mr M. Nageb (SIM-UOL)
- Dr. Philips Stephenson (SIM-UOL)
- Dr. Frances Healey (SIM-UOL)
- Ms Jacqueline-Lee Mather (SIM-UOL)
- Ms Patricia Chia (SIM-UOL)
- Mrs Rosemary Gosling (UOL-LSE)
- Dr. Steve Taylor (UOL-LSE)
- Prof. Roy Chandler (Cardiff)

Thank you all for helping through my learning journey and making me constantly explore and question.

I felt a gloom when I looked at my Alma-maters' website and had a minor shock that some 'lousy' teacher during my school days are not heads of departments. Within their departments are more qualified (integrity-wise) teachers. Think again, this is a place that looks at your degree. You don't have it, you do not rise.