Wednesday, July 20, 2011

New job description

I have a newfound job description for myself. I do everything, even things I do not know how to. I have to deal with people's temper. I have to deal with another company's boss's temper. I have to deal with temper arising out of someone else's home matters. I have to deal with temper triggered off by workers.

Even if I sense an unhappiness and tried to ask about the situation, I get an attitudinal answer like, 'You go and see for yourself.' So, if I choose not to, I will be at fault?

Substitute all 'deal with' with 'face' because there is no two ways about it. Just take it and swallow. Don't die, congratulate myself, die, I asked for it.

And you cannot do anything but nod and say yes, nod and say 'I will see to it', nod and shut the hell up.

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