Thursday, July 28, 2011


The thanks before and after an event is not as worthy as a word of gratitude or encouragement during.

The thank before an event meant to inform you that your help is needed, please do a proper job.

The thank after is to let you know that everything went well. If the event did not go well, you will not be thanked.

The thank during is somewhat genuine, though it could mean that someone is checking on your progress. On the good side, thanking during could also mean that your effort is being appreciated real time, including the failures and re-tries.

So I ask myself, do I prefer a thankless job or a before-after-thanks one.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

New job description

I have a newfound job description for myself. I do everything, even things I do not know how to. I have to deal with people's temper. I have to deal with another company's boss's temper. I have to deal with temper arising out of someone else's home matters. I have to deal with temper triggered off by workers.

Even if I sense an unhappiness and tried to ask about the situation, I get an attitudinal answer like, 'You go and see for yourself.' So, if I choose not to, I will be at fault?

Substitute all 'deal with' with 'face' because there is no two ways about it. Just take it and swallow. Don't die, congratulate myself, die, I asked for it.

And you cannot do anything but nod and say yes, nod and say 'I will see to it', nod and shut the hell up.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


I did something most people might consider stupid today. I set a rat cage trap yesterday before I leave workplace. Voila! It caught a rodent through the night.

However, when I look at the furry thing, I could not decide what next to do. Ah Siao says, drown it in water. Ah Chun suggested, put it in the Sun. Ah Jian asked me why haven't I sentenced it to death.

I fed Mr Rat with Nini's food, which it chewed with great enthusiasm. I wondered whether that would be it's last. Funny, considering it's fate laid in my one decision.

In the burning mid day Sun, I ... ... released it into a drain, and I felt liberated.

p.s. I've since set another trap.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Do not like

I suddenly feel the urge to express a view. I am beginning incline towards business owners NOT absorbing increases in taxes, price, cost, NOT pledging to keep prices at an artificially affordable level, NOT raising price and offering discount. Such actions only fuel customers with the token to complain about their 'plight' when they are faced with the real situation.

I do not like the people up there raising this price, raising that tax, claiming that they are collecting them to help those in need (referring to themselves). I do not like the people up there talking hawkers into pledging not to raise prices, when they allow prices of their supplies to rocket. These are the worker's money earned shedding buckets of sweat.

Bourgeoisie beware, retribution will catch up one day.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Senseless belonging

I am belonging lesser and lesser to myself. I find my weekend burnt to char.

I wanted to go for a holiday, but I sabotaged myself by signing up for a course. I feel like giving myself a jodan mawashi geri.

My most recent time, I could remember, dedicated to my likes is a photoshoot at Labrador park. Though short, but has been really meaningful, at least to myself.

When can I have more time for myself?