Friday, May 20, 2011

Back to reality

I have reached the end of my annual holiday at PRChalet. Its time to fall back into the dark well of reality, sometimes known as worklife. Back to facing idiots at work and wearing a facade to talk to people.

What has been most enjoyable during this ICT?
- Being an advanced party trooper.
-- Able to choose the best bed.
- Play monopoly card.
- Everyday book out until scared/sian.
- Every day PT.
-- Found my fitness (manhood according to CO).
- Crapping with buddies (Stanley on the alternative warm up exercises).
- Bt Chandu, my next running route.
- Biathlon (Sean, nice running alongside)
- Fishing joy
- ETC... ...

What has been undesirable?
- Everyday book out until scared/sian/no dinner indent.
- Team broken up to form a chapalang team.
- Outfield (as always).
- Cooking during a short outfield.
- Drawing signal sets and bringing them outfield.
- One egg, one sausage.

I can go on for both list, but I shall just stop there. Comrades, see you in a year, or, touchwood, during war.

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