Tuesday, February 22, 2011

22:22hr 22 Feb

Though my day did not start quite delightfully, I had kind of a great day today. Bulk of this year's birthday greeting came in form of Facebook posts; Zukerberg, you are one mean geek.

I had a wonderful brunch at Bei Sheng, though I really hope to be eating Japanese food triggered off by yesterday's handroll.

I had one present and one birthday card and one friend to accompany me the whole day.

To me, those are more than enough for me.

p.s. Happy Birthday Rose, Daisy, Apple, Nini-the-Cat, Mini-the-Cat and Wang-the-Pig.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Things may seem all happening and merry for me this week. But since the new year, I have never felt happy except for the day I spent a few moments with Rose at West Coast.

First, it was the last minutes gathering information transmitted to me, to which I had no choice and no time to attend. Then it was the way in advanced indent for morning transport to wherever pickup point. Events that are important to me, I did not get notice of till the very last minute, and event that I really hate going, I not only have to learn of them way early, I even had to attend them, for reasons I do not know why. And this advanced notice spoils my time from now till the event ends.

My consolation price came yesterday when Seamonkey's father invited me to dine with his friends in Johor. I felt overly pampered by Mr Shopkeeper who repeatedly spin the lazy susan to transport the dish to my front and top up my teacup and wineglass. It was a sumptuous dinner, which I did not deserve but get served.

Tomorrow is another dinner. In exact contrast to the one yesterday, I think I am not going to enjoy it.

Bite the bullet and drag through it.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The people up there are a bunch of hypocritic nincompoops. They came out with a hundred and one rules and break them all in one night.

Fill the front seats before seating people at the back of trucks.
Not seating beyond 1.1metres above the truck platform.
No carrying of people without proper top canopy.

Just look at Chingay.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


I am once again owned by the evil aura of Fool. I am satisfactorily convinced that if we are held ransom by some crooks, and that the crook will only release one of us, she will, without a doubt, push me to die. Summing it up, she is downright selfish. I am not asking for her magnanimity of sacrificing herself in the name of justice or moral (if she even has a sense of it), but at the very basic level, I just hope she do not sabotage me. Is that too much to ask for?

When Pam the baker came to our workplace, she even lied that Pam specifically wants to speak to ME, capitalised and bolded. And she wants to speak to no one else but ME. It turned out that she could not handle this customer and she think that the only way out was to trick me into moving into the firing range of Pam and throwing a cylume stick onto me before retreating to the safety of her excuses that do not hold water. I would always remember her words, "I don't know anything, I don't know, I don't know, I'm new, I'm new." I would have crudely told her to SHUT UP, if not for the presence of a customer.

After which, I gave her a piece of my mind and drenched her with my expression of displeasure. Of course, she had nothing to talk back, because she could not find a good enough argument and also quite possibly, she could not be bother since I had already solved HER problem. I would believe the latter is more true.

Sometimes, there are things that I wish I could be blunt in expressing, but rationally, I know that it is not suitable, not morally right, not situationally right, not politically right, not appearing right, and I just have to suck it up and bury it and carry on looking all jovial and cheerful.

Behind the jester's facade lies countless unspeakables.

Monday, February 7, 2011

CNY Woes

My chinese new year was not a good one. I had been feeling drowsy for most of the days starting CNY eve and I dozed off on the couch of 3rd Aunt's house during day 1. I missed two gatherings because my mother gave me the information at the eleventh hour and I was either driving a lorry or, I was driving a lorry.

My happiest moment was spent with Rose on the 2nd day of CNY where we spent a brief moment at West Coast Park. I could tell she really enjoyed it.

Today, I was back in the office (which in fact, I had started work since CNY day 2) and I got 2 random message. One wishing me a good day with Fool; another one wishing me happy new year and informing me she was not coming for work today, courtesy of Fool herself.