Thursday, April 29, 2010


Recently, I came to know of a rumoured case of 老牛吃嫩草 or "Old Cow Eating Young Grass". It is really nothing special, since it happened after Marcus Chin and Jack Neo's sagas. However, the distinctive feature about this case is that the 老牛 is a female cow.

I am not really bothered who the young bull is, but I am really disgusted and sickened by the tele-conversation that came to my ear. Today, I heard, "Very tired, no mood, sibeh xian". It really makes me wonder whether the thirty odd year old bull is asking for sex from a near sixty year old cow.

Plain disgusting.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Customer service lesson

A few days back, I spoke with a certain mister from the People's Association. Our roles in the tele-conversation were that of a service personnel (me) and customer.

This person (let's refer to him as Roy) called to ask about a quotation sent to him earlier on. Roy asked whether the quotation, which explicitly did not include any tablecloths, included any tablecloths. I replied negative. He went on to ask whether the tablecloths could be included, to which I replied him that it was possible, but would incur extra cost on his part. He pressed on to ask whether it could be free. I told him that I cannot make this decision and would consult the manager before answering him, and I did what I said. The manager mentioned that it cannot be rented for free because it would cost us quite a bit for laundry, however, the disposable table cloth could be given complimentary. I called Roy and informed him of the outcome of my consultation with the manager. I could tell he was quite disappointed by the outcome and he proposed that we provide him with two tablecloth for free. I consulted the manager again and got a negative reply with the same rationale. And I conveyed to Roy the message. And that was the point where the ugly drama started.

Roy: "Com'on, it is only two tablecloth."
Me: "We have to spend money for laundry after which."
Roy: "Your business is so big, can't you even provide me with two tablecloths?"
Me: "Whatever I can provide you complimentarily, I have already done so, for these, I cannot accede."

His offensive stance began:

Roy: "I tell you lah! You are not cut out to be a businessman, it is only two tablecloth you also want to count with me. I got other supplier about the same price also, I can go for them you know."
Me: "Well, if there is another supplier who can provide you with a better package, I would really encourage you to go for them."
Roy: "I tell you, you really cannot be a businessman. You company is so big and this small thing you also cannot give me."
Me: "Sir, since you know our company is so big, you would know that we will give you whatever we can provide for free, but I've already explained to you, the price for these two tablecloth is for laundry, what else do you want me to do?"
Roy: "It's only $6. You know, now I have not asked you for discount. I am not going to ask for discount if you provide me two tablecloth for free. If I were to ask you for discount later, it would not be just $6 you know."
Me: "Sir, I understand that you can ask for discount, but I believe it is not mandatory that we have to give it to you."
Roy: "You really don't know how to do business lah!"

He repeated the rubbish about the $6, compared to the 'discount' he thinks he was entitled to. I later directed him to talk to the manager straight. On examination of his statement, I could deduce that he is the one who cannot do the maths. If he had a supplier who was able to provide the deal for a lower price, he should have gone for it. And I do not think I am doing the wrong think to ask him to do that, because I was having his interest at mind, being a service personnel. Unless, of course, he is lying to me that he actually has another supplier, which I think could be very probable.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Flashing Amber

How world class are our transport system? The platform filled up to two-thirds at peak, despite the train arriving one after another in matter of minutes. Pathetic.

Yesterday, on the way to night classes, I had to brave through a thundering session of rain. En route, I passed by 2 junctions that has their traffic lights flashing amber, suggesting that it must have been hit by a bolt of lightning. Surprisingly, in the absence of a regulating system - forget the traffic police, they are nowhere to be seen during the storm - traffic flows systematically, with vehicles from each direction giving way at random intervals.

Is there a problem with the system?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Bee Gees - Alone

I was a midnight rider on a cloud of smoke
I could make a woman hang on every single stroke
I was an iron man
I had a master plan
But I was alone

I could hear you breathing
With a sigh of the wind
I remember how your body started trembling
Oh, what a night it's been
And for the state I'm in
I'm still alone

And all the wonders made for the Earth
And all the hearts in all creation
Somehow I always end up alone
Always end up alone

So I play, I'll wait
'Cause you know that love takes time
We came so far
Just the beat of a lonely heart
And it's mine
I don't want to be alone

Well, since I got no message on your answer phone
And since you're busy every minute.
I just stay at home
I make believe you care
I feel you everywhere
But I'm still alone

I'm on a wheel of fortune with a twist of fate
'Cause I know it isn't heaven, is it love or hate
Am I the subject of the pain
An I the stranger in the rain
I am alone

And if there glory there to behold
Maybe it's my imagination
Another story there to be told

So I play, I'll wait
And I pray it's not too late
We came so far
Just a beat of a lonely heart
And it's mine
I don't want to be alone

And all the wonders made for the Earth
And all the hearts in all creation
Another story there to be told

So I play, I'll wait
And I pray it's not too late
We came so far
Just a beat of a lonely heart
And it's mine
I don't want to be alone

Gone, but not out of sight
I'm caught in the rain and there's no one home
Face the heat of the night
The one that you love's got a heart that's made of stone

Shine and search for the light
And sooner or later you'll be cruising on your ocean

And clean out of sight
I'm caught in the rain and there's no one home

Sunday, April 4, 2010


I am slightly taken aback by the shame of Singaporeans who signed up for spa packages, paying installments with their credit cards, and when the spa close down, they approach the bank, asking for a waiver of the remaining charges.

The banks have explained quite clearly, they are merely a middle party paying in advanced for the customers, like any other deals transacted on a credit card.

Why can't the Singaporeans understand simple instructions? By asking the banks to waive the charges is effectively asking the bank whether they could shop without paying money if they realised afterwards that they should not have bought the item. Or, do they know what is a credit card in the first place?