Sunday, December 29, 2013

Walk over my dead body to claim my land

In a recent stumbling on a forum post. An opinion was sought on whether a fellow forumer would rather be part of China or Malaysia in a merging. Of course, this cannot be farther from the real situation. However, the replies got me disgusted. The side for merger with Malaysia was against the unpleasant habits of the PRC citizens and emphatise with the Hong Kongers who 'lost' their identity after return to China. The opposite side who chose China brought up the history where Singapore was kicked out of Malaya and that we should not let history repeat itself. Also mentioned were religious freedom matters, policies which protects certain group of citizens and the fact that the country is smaller compared to China. There is yet another group, whom, in my opinion, is akin to a whore. They rather be governed by USA or UK, no real reasons given, except for one who mentioned of better healthcare and welfare. It sounds like a fake girl who lacks real love, speaking to her friend, "I hope Mr Filthy Rich or Mr Absolutely Charming will marry me," without ever knowing whether that Sire is really rich or charming. My take? I will not make any choice. I own an ownership to this country that is free and independent. To have to answer this question would be an insult.