Monday, December 12, 2011


I am not someone who need a sense of belonging. I can go anywhere, into any situation; drop me at any place and tell me to spend the rest of my time there, I can do it. All I need is to adapt.

I am not someone who can do without a sense of purpose. Tell me to do this, I want to know why, tell me to go there, I need to know why; when I do something, I would want to picture the consequence.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Spit all over

Before I start, I have to disclaim that I am not fully in the situation I am about to narrate, hence, what I mentioned, might not be representative of the actual.

I realised something about a certain type of human being. The ones that are often oblivious to what is happening on the mind and hearts of others, yet, they often shoot off and rant about much of how they are feeling. My friend was a victim of a spat that happened a couple of days ago. I witness a spit of ungratefulness on an act of real Samaritan concern.

I think I might be guilty of these at times. So recently, I have learnt to just keep quiet than to react to a situation. Why confront a situation when what you say means nothing?